Eudist Publications on Amazon

Many of our publications are available in both print and Kindle formats. Check back often as we release new publications!

A Heart on Fire — St. John Eudes: A Model for the New Evangelization by Steven S. Marshall

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

St. John Eudes is often portrayed holding in his hand a heart on fire, not only because he was on fire with love for God but also because he was excited to share that love with others. His life shows him to be a missionary who was sent to bring the fire of God’s love to those most in need of mercy, to evangelize those who had fallen away from the Church, and to re-ignite zeal in the hearts of priests who lacked a commitment to their ministry. In this short biography, we get a clear picture of who the man, John Eudes, was and what he did with the zeal burning in his heart and soul.

Un corazón en llamas: San Juan Eudes: Modelo para la nueva evangelización por Steven S. Marshall

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San Juan Eudes a menudo es retratado sosteniendo en su mano un corazón en llamas, no solo porque estaba ardiendo de amor por Dios, sino también porque estaba emocionado de compartir ese amor con los demás. Su vida lo muestra como un misionero enviado a llevar el fuego del amor de Dios a los más necesitados de misericordia, a evangelizar a los que se habían apartado de la Iglesia y a reavivar el celo en el corazón de los sacerdotes que carecían un compromiso con su ministerio. En esta breve biografía, obtenemos una imagen clara de quién era el hombre, John Eudes, y qué hizo con el celo que ardía en su corazón y alma.

Heart of the Holy Family: A Manual of Prayer by St. John Eudes (Eudist Prayerbook Series – Volume 1)

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

This practical and inspirational collection of prayers comes from a preacher and writer from what has been called the golden age of French spirituality (17th century). As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.”

This booklet is the first in a series which serves as an introduction to his spirituality, while making it available in English for virtually the first time. Some prayers include an Ave Joseph (singing praise of Joseph's humanity, glorified by contact with the Incarnate One), Ave Maria, Filia Dei Patris (praising Mary as “daughter of God the Father, mother of God, the Son, and spouse of the Holy Spirit;” and other beautiful titles); a new grace before meals; various litanies, scriptural prayers and much more. This manual of prayer can be used to breathe new life into your prayer life with meditations that blend freshness and tradition.

El corazón de la familia sagrada: Un manual de oraciones por San Juan Eudes (Serie de libros de oraciones eudistas - Volumen 1)

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Esta colección práctica e inspiradora de oraciones proviene de un predicador y escritor de lo que se ha llamado la edad de oro de la espiritualidad francesa (siglo XVII). Como dijo una vez el Beato Fulton J. Sheen: "Entre los gigantes espirituales del cristianismo se eleva la figura de San Juan Eudes".

Este folleto es el primero de una serie que sirve como introducción a su espiritualidad, al tiempo que lo hace disponible en inglés prácticamente por primera vez. Algunas oraciones incluyen un Ave José (cantando alabanzas a la humanidad de José, glorificado por el contacto con el Encarnado), Ave María, Filia Dei Patris (alabando a María como “hija de Dios Padre, madre de Dios, Hijo y esposa del Espíritu Santo ”; y otros hermosos títulos); una nueva gracia antes de las comidas; varias letanías, oraciones bíblicas y mucho más. Este manual de oración puede usarse para dar nueva vida a su vida de oración con meditaciones que combinan frescura y tradición.

More Than Just 50 Beads: Rosary Meditations for the Liturgical Year by St. John Eudes (Eudist Prayerbook Series – Volume 2)

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

This booklet is the second in a series which serves as an introduction to the spirituality of St. John Eudes, making it available in English for virtually the first time. As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.”

This little volume gives Scriptural meditations on the traditional mysteries of the rosary, but it doesn't stop there. St. John Eudes offers a unique set of rosary meditations for use in the liturgical seasons of the year (e.g. Advent mysteries and Holy Week mysteries).  With a creative flare, St. John Eudes also proposes some rosaries (chaplets) to be said with 34 beads, one bead for each year of the life of Jesus. These include the Chaplet of the Eternal Father, the Chaplet of the Holy Love of Jesus, and the Chaplet of the Blessed Trinity.

A Holy Week Every Week: Weekday Meditations by St. John Eudes (Eudist Prayerbook Series – Volume 3)

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

This booklet is the third in a series which serves as an introduction to the spirituality of St. John Eudes, making it available in English for virtually the first time. As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.” 

In this little volume, St. John Eudes helps us contemplate the life of Christ, both his hidden life as well as his life as revealed in Scripture, within the natural progression of our week.

According to this great saint, prayer can be expressed in ways that go beyond words. This is what his weekday meditations seek to show us. The meditations designed to bring us to this point of mystical union include: The First Moment of the Temporal Life of Jesus, The Hidden Life of Jesus, The Life of Jesus in Mary and that of Mary in Jesus.

34 Flames of Divine Love: Elevations of the Heart Toward God by St. John Eudes (Eudist Prayerbook Series – Volume 4)

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

In a few dense, passionate pages, St. John Eudes gives voice to the fullest, deepest, most vibrant expression of his mysticism. It expresses passionate love in a myriad of ways; both the love of God for humanity, and of this saint for the lover of his soul.

This booklet is the fourth in a series which serves as an introduction to the spirituality of St. John Eudes, making it available in English for virtually the first time. As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.”

On the Threshold of Life: A Self-Directed Retreat to Celebrate Your Birthday by St. John Eudes (Eudist Prayerbook Series – Volume 5)

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

God has given us the gift of human life and the greater gift of new life in Baptism. St. John Eudes compares our temporal birth on earth to our eternal birth through the waters of Baptism. “We give special attention to the anniversary of our temporal birth. Should we not likewise give special attention to the anniversary of our Baptism?” He insists that each year, on the anniversaries of these events, we should renew our devotion to Jesus. This annual spiritual exercise is not only an opportunity to give thanks to God for these gifts but also to deepen our appreciation of what life in Christ really entails. 

This booklet is the fifth in a series which serves as an introduction to the spirituality of St. John Eudes, making it available in English for virtually the first time. As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.”

En el umbral de la vida: Un retiro espiritual para el día de su cumpleaños por San Juan Eudes (Serie de libros de oraciones eudistas - Volumen 1)

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Dios nos ha dado el don de la vida humana y el mayor don de una nueva vida en el Bautismo. San Juan Eudes compara nuestro nacimiento temporal en la tierra con nuestro nacimiento eterno a través de las aguas del Bautismo. “Prestamos especial atención al aniversario de nuestro nacimiento temporal. ¿No deberíamos igualmente prestar especial atención al aniversario de nuestro Bautismo? ” Insiste en que cada año, en los aniversarios de estos eventos, debemos renovar nuestra devoción a Jesús. Este ejercicio espiritual anual no solo es una oportunidad para agradecer a Dios por estos dones, sino también para profundizar nuestra apreciación de lo que realmente implica la vida en Cristo.

Este folleto es el quinto de una serie que sirve como introducción a la espiritualidad de San Juan Eudes, y está disponible en inglés prácticamente por primera vez. Como dijo una vez el Beato Fulton J. Sheen: "Entre los gigantes espirituales del cristianismo se eleva la figura de San Juan Eudes".

On the Threshold of Eternity: A Self-Directed Retreat to Prepare for a Happy Death by St. John Eudes (Eudist Prayerbook Series – Volume 6)

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

This volume presents a series of exercises written by Saint John Eudes in preparation for a happy death. He encourages us to have confidence and trust in God’s great mercy. He offers a series of exercises that help us look with hope and confidence to our last moments on earth. These include a variety of prayers, an evening exercise, his thoughts on ending the year with Jesus, as well as reflections on the importance of Confession and Holy Communion. 

This booklet is the sixth in a series which serves as an introduction to the spirituality of St. John Eudes, making it available in English for virtually the first time. As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.”

In All Things, The Will of God: St. John Eudes Through His Letters by Bishop Clément Guillon CJM

Available in Paperback and Kindle formats

Seeking the will of God in all things; this was St. John Eudes’ sole ambition, his wondrous response to discovering the mystery of God’s love. He tried to always live in communion of mind and heart with Jesus and Mary. This is clear in his immense correspondence. The late Bishop Clément Guillon, Eudist Superior General when he wrote this book, chose 50 letters (from a collection of 243 extant letters by the saint) which he used to trace the teaching of St. John Eudes through his life. Bishop Guillon uses these letters to illustrate the dominant theme of the saint’s spirituality: seeking and living the will of God.

Each letter chosen constitutes a chapter which opens with a synopsis of the context in which the letter was written. Then follows a brief presentation highlighting the letter’s main points, and finally the text of St. John Eudes’ letter itself. Abundant footnotes shed a great deal of light on pertinent circumstances and people.

The Originality of Saint John Eudes: His Role and His Place in The French School of Spirituality by Fr. John Howard CJM with introduction by Mother Antonia Brenner

Available in Kindle format

What role did St. John Eudes play in the French School of Spirituality? Who influenced his ideas? What was unique about his writing and teaching? In this volume about the history of the Eudists, Fr. John Howard sets the stage for a trip through history to uncover answers to these questions through three perspectives: the social and religious context of 17th Century France; the place of St. John Eudes in relationship to the other key figures of the French School; and the unique contribution of St. John Eudes.

Mother Antonia, foundress of the Sister Servants of the Eleventh Hour, ministers to people in prisons, encouraged and supported Fr. John's efforts. Mother Antonia's letter to her favorite priest serves as the foreword in this book.

The Life and the Kingdom of Jesus: A Treatise on Christian Perfection by St. John Eudes with introduction by Fulton J. Sheen

Available in Kindle format

St. John Eudes has been called “the wonder of his age.” Missionary, founder, reformer of the clergy, he crowded into a life of seventy-nine years so many and such varied accomplishments that one marvels how a single man could achieve so much. In addition to the activities of an incessant and many-sided apostolate, he wrote a number of valuable books. He ranks among the most prolific ascetic writers of the seventeenth century. 

The Life and Kingdom of Jesus in Christian Souls was his first book and it underwent numerous reprints throughout his lifetime and beyond. In this foundational book, he develops his spiritual teaching on the Christian life, namely that the Christian life is a continuation and fulfilment of the life of Jesus Christ in each one of us. Both inspiring and practical, he describes concrete ways that Christians can grow in a deeper relationship with Christ through a variety of prayers, spiritual exercises and the practice of Christian virtues.

For many years the devotional works of St. John Eudes were practically unknown. The republication of the works of St. John Eudes reveals the extent and depth of their spiritual doctrine. As Blessed Fulton J. Sheen once said: “Among Christianity’s spiritual giants towers the figure of St. John Eudes.”

Listen to God Daily: A Collection of God’s Revelations by Lily L. Loh

Available in Paperback

This book is for everyone who wants to grow spiritually closer to God and to build a more intimate relationship with Him. It is written in simple language that everyone can understand and is easy to follow. It contains 365 short meditations to inspire a busy person who is trying to listen to God daily.

Escuchar a Dios: Una coleccion de revelaciones de Dios diariamente por Lily L. Loh

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Este libro es para todos los que quieran acercarse espiritualmente a Dios y construir una relación más íntima con él. Está escrito en un lenguaje sencillo que todo el mundo puede entender y es fácil de seguir. Contiene 365 meditaciones breves para inspirar a una persona ocupada que intenta escuchar a Dios a diario.

Sunsets and Soul Care by Arlana Scola

Available in Hardcover

Welcome to a peace-filled journey, the goal being care for your soul. Immerse yourself in each of these sunsets, notice the nuances of light and shadow. Notice that each one is unique, never to be repeated. Realize the beauty in each sunset is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Breathe deep. I invite you to begin with me this journey of peace and soul care. Remember to "pause because" when we pause, we can better understand our "because."