Hope for Sunil

Sunil is (age 27) a young father of 3 daughters (ages 5, 4, and 3), from Pakistan. Fr. Azam Mansha, CJM first met Sunil in 2022 after he had been in a horrific accident. As a construction worker, working on a building, installing iron rods on the roof, one of the rods swung out hitting a high voltage transmission line electrocuting Sunil . . . he lost both arms. As of now, through the platform of Sowing the Seeds of Mercy, the Eudist Fathers are providing help for Sunil’s daily and medical needs. There is an URGENT NEED to get prosthetic arms for Sunil which can only become true through your KINDNESS AND GENEROSITY.

Questions? Call or email Fr. Azam Mansha, CJM at 760-997-9378 or azamvianney@hotmail.com