Formation of Good Laborers of the Gospel — The Eudists

Missionary Formation


“In order for evangelization to bear lasting fruit, St. John Eudes devoted himself wholeheartedly to the formation of priests. Following his example, Eudist’s strive to ensure the quality of pastoral service in the Church with all the means at their disposal…

Heeding Jesus’ will not to leave his people without shepherds, they seek to help those who are suited to exercise a pastoral role and they remind the other Christians of their responsibilities in awakening vocations.” 
(CJM Constitutions 30, 32)

This means that we minister to priests and leaders within the Church at every stage possible along their journey. 

The cycle of parish → layperson → seminary → priest/nun/consecrated person → parish.

In our parishes, we share pastoral responsibilities as much as possible, empowering the laity to discover the passionate love of Jesus that calls us all to mission, and the importance of their individual role within His Body.

For the birth of vocations, we form teams of priests, religious and lay people to conduct vocation retreats and accompany young people as they discern.

To provide a time and space where discerners have the freedom to pray and experience consecrated life, we operate a formation house where they can live and study. In the educational institution of seminary itself, various Eudist’s serve as spiritual directors and professors.

For those already in ministry, we have been longtime collaborators in various Diocesan Catechetical Institutes. Certain Eudists are also qualified to provide psychological support and counseling to those in consecrated life, especially those most in need.

“Working for the sanctification of the clergy amounts to saving the saviors, directing the directors, teaching the teachers, shepherding the shepherds, and enlightening those who are the light of the world… This is the final purpose for which God chose to establish our little Congregation in the Church, the purpose to which he has called us through an act of his incomprehensible mercy.” (Letter of St. John Eudes to his priests, December 1657)